Tide for a Cause: Chase Sanctuary


Chase Sanctuary

Chase Sanctuary is located in Webster, Florida. Their programs focus on the preservation of endangered species by combining our resources with the resources of other zoological facilities to maintain diverse bloodlines of endangered and exploited species. They also occasionally take in rescues or surrendered exotic pets to provide veterinary care, kindness, and life in a troop, colony, or flock of their own kind. Their many programs help them carry out their mission revolving around primate and exotic preservation.

The Mission

To bring the community and the primate/exotic preservation mission together in a way that enhances lives. Our volunteers are passionate, involved advocates of all ages and from all walks of life. This includes students seeking bright futures scholarships, interns, the elderly community in the nearby villages and those in need of permanent sanctuary for their exotic pets.

To help preserve critically endangered species through sharing of data, animals and resources with other zoological facilities, thereby helping to reduce the threat of extinction.

Are there any upcoming events the public can support?

You can always make a booking at the Hacienda on the property or partake in one of the upcoming events found here. Events include Lemur Yoga, Painting with Primates, Sanctuary Tours, Private Animal Encounters, and much more! The sanctuary is always looking for volunteers and welcomes donations of any amount.


What programs does Chase sANCTUARY OFFER?

Educational Programs

  • Increase awareness and discourage the primate pet and breeding trades

  • Encourage preservation of the earth’s flora and fauna through our butterfly gardens (propagating the endangered Monarch Butterfly), and on site recycling and educational programs.

Rescue Programs

Rescue programs for surrendered exotic pets to provide sanctuary and enrichment by introducing them to life in a troop, colony or flock of their own kind. We rehabilitate pet primates who have become aggressive, as nearly all pet primates do. We are against the ownership of pet primates.

Open-Air Habitat Enrichment Programs

Our habitats are as close to natural as possible. We believe that primates benefit substantially when they live in natural family sized troops, high up in the trees where they play and forage. It is the lack of this type of environment and of the social interaction that occurs in such an environment, that causes many primates to become aggressive and/or malcontent. Here at Chase, family troops are permitted to breed and create an ideal family structure after which time, the males are neutered and/or the females are placed on birth control. No primates from Chase have ever or will ever be sold to the public as pets.

Community Outreach Programs

We provide volunteer hours for the Florida bright futures scholarship program, several local and distant college internship programs, PTSD sufferers, retirees looking to keep busy and students with disabilities.

What is the best way for the public to help support your mission?

By making a donation or supporting their programs and events, you can directly support the mission of Chase Sanctuary. You can also volunteer or intern with Chase Sanctuary. Learn more ways you can help by visiting this link on their website.


Contact Chase Sanctuary

Website: www.chasesanctuary.org

Instagram: @chasewildlifeconservancy

Email: info@chasesanctuary.org

Phone: (352) 988-8014